Problem -1
I am in process of migrating existing APEX Application to Cloud database service
My current application store and access JavaScript, CSS and images (used by CSS) as part of theme.
In local instance of Apex running in glassfish, we keep them under DOCROOT folder, can anyone suggest directory needs to be used for the same.
FTP account we got from Oracle is mentioned to be used for managing services only.
Also, there is any option to store images, JavaScript file within APEX and not to associate the same with any app but doing require lot of effort, time and testing entire business application.
Alternate Solution Provided is to add images and CSS file into APEX using Shared Components >> Files >> CSS & Images.
Using the same in Application will as #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#
Problem -2 reffering these images inside the CSS (Understanding Substitution Strings) all the substitution variables doesn't applies.
Message was edited by: nittinghai