I have a PL/SQL package ‘OCI_BACKUP_UTILS’ which contains a public procedure ‘EXPORT_SCHEMA’. The export_schema procedure uses DBMS_DATAPUMP to export all objects for one Oracle schema. The database resides on Oracle OCI as a version 23AI database. The basic steps of the export_schema procedure are: 1) Open the job 2) Add the export output file to the job. 3) Add the log file to the job. 4) Apply a metadata filter to export the given schema. 5) Run the job.
I have an OCI admin account in the database. The admin account owns the OCI_BACKUP_UTILS package. I also execute the export_schema procedure from the admin account. The admin account has access read/write to the Oracle directory used by DBMS_DATAPUMP. The export_schema procedure was working when exporting other schemas in the database prior to 23AI. This is the first time I have tried to run in 23AI. The step to apply the metadata filter is failing with:
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
BEGIN oci_backup_utils.export_schema('some_schema'); END;
Error report -
ORA-31631: privileges are required
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 79
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 5038
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 6506
ORA-06512: at "ADMIN.OCI_BACKUP_UTILS", line 247
ORA-06512: at line 1
31631. 00000 - "privileges are required"
*Cause: The necessary privileges are not available for operations such
as: restarting a job on behalf of another owner, using a device
as a member of the dump file set, or ommiting a directory
object associated with any of the various output files.
Refer to any following error messages for additional information.
*Action: Select a different job to restart, try a different operation, or
contact a database administrator to acquire the needed privileges.
When the error occurs, the job is in DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS in defining state.
I am not able to determine the cause of the above error, has the DBMS_DATAPUMP changed from 19c to 23ai? If not, does anyone know the cause of the error?
The applicable code is below:
PROCEDURE export_schema (
p_schema_name IN VARCHAR2,
lc_job_completed CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := 'COMPLETED';
lc_job_stopped CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := 'STOPPED';
l_dp_handle NUMBER;
l_current_date VARCHAR2(50);
l_job_state VARCHAR2(50);
l_filename VARCHAR2(500);
l_dump_filename VARCHAR2(500);
l_log_filename VARCHAR2(500);
-- Get current date/time
l_current_date := TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD_HH24MI');
-- Open the schema export job
l_dp_handle := DBMS_DATAPUMP.open (
operation => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'SCHEMA',
remote_link => NULL,
job_name => UPPER(p_schema_name) || '_EXPORT_' || l_current_date,
version => 'LATEST'
-- If filename was not provided, generate the export filename
IF p_filename IS NULL
l_filename := UPPER(p_schema_name) ||
'_EXPORT_' ||
l_filename := p_filename;
l_dump_filename := l_filename || '.exp';
l_log_filename := l_filename || '.log';
-- Specify the dump file
DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file (
handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => l_dump_filename,
directory => gc_directory_name,
filetype => DBMS_DATAPUMP.ku$_file_type_dump_file
-- Specify the log file
DBMS_DATAPUMP.add_file (
handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => l_log_filename,
directory => gc_directory_name,
filetype => DBMS_DATAPUMP.ku$_file_type_log_file
-- Specify the schema to be exported
DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter ( ---- ERROR OCCURS HERE
handle => l_dp_handle,
name => 'SCHEMA_EXPR',
value => '= ''' || p_schema_name || ''''
-- Start the data pump job