Trying here again. I am still working on an application for which I need to validate the two date picker columns I have in my interactive grid (arrival and departure). I have changed the code a bit and am currently stuck at a point where I get the records and an error message get's displayed, but even if the departure date is before the arrival date (that's what I'm validating) I can still save the incorrect date without a problem when that shouldn't be the case. Below is the code I'm using in a dynamic action set to Save[Interactive Grid].
var grid = apex.region("IGSID").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid");
var model = grid.model;
var view = grid.view$.grid("getSelectedRecords");
var isValid = true;
if (view.length > 0) {
var record = view[0];
console.log("Record: ", record);
var arrivalDate = record[5];
var departureDate = record[6];
console.log("Arrival Date: ", arrivalDate);
console.log("Departure Date: ", departureDate);
if (new Date(departureDate.split('.').reverse().join('-')) <= new Date(arrivalDate.split('.').reverse().join('-'))) {
isValid = false;
type: "error",
location: "page",
message: "Departure date must be after arrival date.",
unsafe: false
model.setValidity(record, "departure_date", false);
if (!isValid) {
apex.event.gCancelFlag = true;
return false;
return isValid;