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Create Form on External Procedure

TomekNov 2 2015 — edited Nov 4 2015

I have mixed environment Oracle EBS and Apex 5.0.2. Apex runs in its own schema (XXAPEX) and various apex application access the data and packages from Oracle EBS APPS schema. To access the data I GRANT SELECT on the table to XXAPEX schema. To execute the procedure in the package I create GRANT EXECUTE on the package to XXAPEX schema.

It all works fine when I create the code manually e.g. RETURN apps.fnd_global.user_id.However if I use the wizard to Create Form on Procedure I receive the error "User MILOWSKI has no privileges on the APPS schema.". Here are the steps in the wizard:

1. procedure owner: APPS

2. Stored procedure name PAGE_MGR.SAVE_RECORD (the procedure is visible in select list)

3. click Next

4. After long time of spinning getting the "User MILOWSKI has no privileges on the APPS schema."

I tried to create a synonym in XXAPEX schema for a package but it does not help.

I suspect if I create a dummy package in XXAPEX schema from which I call the apps.page_mgr.save_record(...) it may work.This option though it's not really something I would like to start implementing for all my pages in order to use the wizard.

Thoughts, suggestions?

Thanks, Tomas

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Locked on Dec 2 2015
Added on Nov 2 2015