We have a 3rd party excel JS lib which we have integrated into our Oracle APEX app. From there we import the data from excel filed uploaded. The dates in the excel formatter are different. I would like to know how to convert the excel Date formats to Oracle ones.. (Generating the report out of imported data using the formats is breaking)
I have created the table and data.
CREATE TABLE vp_excel (
excel_f VARCHAR2(50),
orcl_f VARCHAR2(100)
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('m/d/yyyy','MM/DD/YYYY');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('mmmm-yy','FMMonth-YY');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('mmm-yyyy','Mon-YYYY');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('d-mmm','DD-Mon');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('ddd, mmm-yy','Dy, Mon-YY');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('dd-mmm-yy','DD-Mon-YY');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('mmmm d, yyyy','FMMonth DD, YYYY');
Insert into VP_EXCEL (EXCEL_F,ORCL_F) values ('dddd, mmm dd, yyyy','Day, Mon DD, YYYY');
I would like to get the excel_f (excel formats) to match the orcl_f (Oracle Formats).
Please suggest.