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Command Prompt for Virtual Agent on Windows XP Box

832210Jan 19 2011 — edited Jun 30 2011
I am receiving the following message when I am trying to connect to my other windows XP machine I am trying to use as a Virtual Agent:

Discovering using Virtual Agent

File System:
***Failure: Discovery failed (code=1) Connect Error: Did not receive expected command prompt\n\n
(message id=ds discoveryFailureReason)

Discovery Done

what is the correct command prompt? I have tried #, $ and have left the field blank, but it returns with this message.

any ideas?

Through telnet, I can see and ping my target computer, but I am not able to connect through this tool.

I have already configured the OATS Load Testing Agent Authentication Manager, but I am not sure if I am truly connecting to the remote VA machine

Any assistance is welcomed
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Locked on Jul 28 2011
Added on Jan 19 2011