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Clicking back on any Opened OCR takes me to the Page 1 of the OCR's

Abhinav Burra-OracleJun 9 2022 — edited Jun 21 2022

As a frequent user of the Referral Portal, I have noticed that When I search for a Skill for example 'Developer' - System gives me results of say 200 jobs by displaying 10 jobs in a single page and I need to load more to view the rest of the consequent jobs.
Currently, if I am Opening a Job that is listed on the Row 70-80 on Page 7 to view the JD, and when I click on Cancel or go back, the Navigator goes back to Page 1 and the user should go all the way till page 7 or 8 again to view the jobs which is a bit time taking and recursive.
Instead, a solution can be made by just navigating to the same page when the user clicks on back/cancel the opened OCR instead navigating to Page 1

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Added on Jun 9 2022