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Classic Reports sorting in 18.1 is broken

Pavel_pSep 1 2018 — edited Sep 2 2018


it seems that sorting in Classic Reports finally does not work at all in 18.1 (or works in some way I don't understand).

Since APEX 4.2, where sorting/ordering of CRs worked just fine (i.e. define sort order in column attributes), there was some hidden progress in CR sorting. I don't remember the exact version (I suppose it was 5.0) where I noticed that defining sort order stopped working and no matter how the sorting was defined (even if no sorting at all was defined), the data was always ordered by the first report column in ascending order. But till 18.1 it was at least possible to sort the data in the ORDER BY clause (column headings were not responsive in such a case and the report was not sortable).

In 18.1 the ORDER BY clause seems to be sometimes completely ignored (and surprisingly sometimes not). If I create a blank page and add a CR based on

select * from emp order by ename

the result looks like this


however when I created a new page using the wizard, unsortable CR is created (exactly as expected)


however when the ORDER BY clause is later removed, the report still remains unsortable.

It would be nice if sorting of classic reports started to work again.



This post has been answered by Carsten Czarski-Oracle on Sep 2 2018
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Locked on Sep 30 2018
Added on Sep 1 2018