I have an item of type 'Popup LOV' P7_YEAR which contains a set of year (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 ).
I have also a chart, an item which display a cumulative value ( P7_CUMUL_SELECTED_YEAR ) and another one which display the selected year ( P7_SELECTED_YEAR ).
When a user change the value of P7_YEAR, it should refresh the graph, as well as those two items, based on the selected year P7_YEAR.
The chart is getting its data from a query where the condition is based on the selected year :
FROM ...
AND dNotif between to_date('01/01/' || :P7_SELECTED_YEAR, 'dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/' || :P7_SELECTED_YEAR, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
The cumul item ( P7_CUMUL_SELECTED_YEAR ) has the source of type 'SQL Query (return single value)' as follows :
FROM ...
AND dNotif between to_date('01/01/' || :P7_SELECTED_YEAR, 'dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('31/12/' || :P7_SELECTED_YEAR, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
I set a DA on event 'Change' for the P7_YEAR item as shown below :
The details for the TRUE actions are follows :
The pb is that the value of the cumul item ( P7_CUMUL_SELECTED_YEAR ) is never get updated when you change the LOV P7_YEAR, as opposed to P7_SELECTED_YEAR which is updated correctly.
Any idea ?