I need to separate columns by semicolumn but when I add a case it gives me an error:
select distinct b.ty ||';'||
case when st = 456 then 'good'
when st = 32423 then 'NOTgood'
else to_char(st)
END AS SALIDA ||';'|| a.group
from hist a INNER JOIN def_job b
on a.tab=b.parent_table
inner join def_tables dt
on a.center = dt.center
and a.tab = dt.tab
and a.center = dt.center
and dt.ta = b.ta
and a.job_mem_name=b.jjjj
to_char(start_time,'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(current_date-1,'YYYYMMDD')
and a.center in ('CAR')
SQL Error [923] [42000]: ORA-00923:
Any help please? Thanks