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Cannot Copy Interactive Grid Column Value If the Column is Display only in EDIT mode

MeeuwtjeApr 6 2021

According to document Doc ID 2555046.1 it is not possible to copy the text of a display only column in a Interactive Grid (IG) when it is in EDIT mode.
The document states that it is expected behavior.
However many of our users are complaining a lot about this situation. It is not very userfriendly if they need to switch back to read mode and change the selection to Cell selection before they can copy a text. Besides this we prefer to have the IG only in EDIT mode as if it is a tabular form or Excel tab.
So I want to ask why is this intended behavior for IG? In a classic report or interactive report the user is allowed to copy text of a td element. So why not for a IG?
Mathieu Meeuwissen

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Added on Apr 6 2021