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Apex Barcodes

2721579Jul 28 2014 — edited Aug 6 2014

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a nice and simple way to generate barcodes in Oracle Apex 4.2.5. so I started browsing the web and found numerous threads which were more or less helpfull.

Finally I found this demo application which I considered clearly and well structured.

1. Create the procedure in SQL workshop

create or replace PROCEDURE "BARCODE_PR" ( code39text IN VARCHAR2, code39label IN VARCHAR2, code_height IN NUMBER DEFAULT 20, code_width IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1 ) IS v_str VARCHAR2 (200) := ''; v_barstr VARCHAR2 (1) := ''; v_barstrcode VARCHAR2 (10) := ''; v_barstrcodeselect VARCHAR2 (10) := ''; v_label VARCHAR2 (10) := ''; x_pos NUMBER := 0; x_textstep NUMBER; x_bigstep NUMBER (10); x_smallstep NUMBER (10); x_width NUMBER := 0; y_height NUMBER; BEGIN

-- setting values from the page to the internal PLSQL variables.

   v_str := UPPER (code39text);

   v_label := UPPER (code39label);

   y_height := (code_height);

   x_smallstep := (code_width);

   x_bigstep := 3 * (code_width);

   x_textstep := (x_smallstep * 2 + x_bigstep * 2) / 3;

-- generating header of svg file

OWA_UTIL.mime_header (ccontent_type => 'image/svg+xml',

bclose_header      => FALSE,

ccharset           => 'utf-8'


   HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');


-- generating SVG file

   HTP.p ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>');

   HTP.p (   '<svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="'

          || '" '

          || 'xmlns:xlink=""'

          || ' xmlns:a="'

          || '/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/" >'


-- if I want to have label in the barcode,

-- I need to declare style of text...

   IF v_label = 'YES'


      HTP.p ('<style type="text/css" >');

      HTP.p ('<![CDATA[ ');

      HTP.p ('.textlabel {font-size:8.0pt  ; '

          || 'font-family:Helvetica ;}'


      HTP.p (' ]]>');

      HTP.p (' </style> ');

   END IF;

   HTP.p (' <g>');


every char is internally coded to abcd codeing , that:

a means thick black line in the barcode

b means thin black line in the barcode

c means thick white line (bigger space)

d means thin white line (small space)


   FOR i IN 1 .. LENGTH (v_str)


      v_barstr := SUBSTR (v_str, i, 1);

      v_barstrcode :=

         CASE v_barstr

            WHEN '1'

               THEN 'adbcbdbdad'

            WHEN '2'

               THEN 'bdacbdbdad'

            WHEN '3'

               THEN 'adacbdbdbd'

            WHEN '4'

               THEN 'bdbcadbdad'

            WHEN '5'

               THEN 'adbcadbdbd'

            WHEN '6'

               THEN 'bdacadbdbd'

            WHEN '7'

               THEN 'bdbcbdadad'

            WHEN '8'

               THEN 'adbcbdadbd'

            WHEN '9'

               THEN 'bdacbdadbd'

            WHEN '0'

               THEN 'bdbcadadbd'

            WHEN 'A'

               THEN 'adbdbcbdad'

            WHEN 'B'

               THEN 'bdadbcbdad'

            WHEN 'C'

               THEN 'adadbcbdbd'

            WHEN 'D'

               THEN 'bdbdacbdad'

            WHEN 'E'

               THEN 'adbdacbdbd'

            WHEN 'F'

               THEN 'bdadacbdbd'

            WHEN 'G'

               THEN 'bdbdbcadad'

            WHEN 'H'

               THEN 'adbdbcadbd'

            WHEN 'I'

               THEN 'bdadbcadbd'

            WHEN 'J'

               THEN 'bdbdacadbd'

            WHEN 'K'

               THEN 'adbdbdbcad'

            WHEN 'L'

               THEN 'bdadbdbcad'

            WHEN 'M'

               THEN 'adadbdbcbd'

            WHEN 'N'

               THEN 'bdbdadbcad'

            WHEN 'O'

               THEN 'adbdadbcbd'

            WHEN 'P'

               THEN 'bdadadbcbd'

            WHEN 'Q'

               THEN 'bdbdbdacad'

            WHEN 'R'

               THEN 'adbdbdacbd'

            WHEN 'S'

               THEN 'bdadbdacbd'

            WHEN 'T'

               THEN 'bdbdadacbd'

            WHEN 'U'

               THEN 'acbdbdbdad'

            WHEN 'V'

               THEN 'bcadbdbdad'

            WHEN 'W'

               THEN 'acadbdbdbd'

            WHEN 'X'

               THEN 'bcbdadbdad'

            WHEN 'Y'

               THEN 'acbdadbdbd'

            WHEN 'Z'

               THEN 'bcadadbdbd'

            WHEN '-'

               THEN 'bcbdbdadad'

            WHEN '+'

               THEN 'bcbdbcbcbd'

            WHEN '*'

               THEN 'bcbdadadbd'

            WHEN '/'

               THEN 'bcbcbdbcbd'

            WHEN '%'

               THEN 'bdbcbcbcbd'

            WHEN '.'

               THEN 'acbdbdadbd'

            WHEN '$'

               THEN 'bcbcbcbdbd'

            ELSE 'cccddddddd'


      FOR j IN 1 .. LENGTH (v_barstrcode)


v_barstrcodeselect := (SUBSTR (v_barstrcode, j, 1));

--drawing thick black line

         IF v_barstrcodeselect = 'a'


            HTP.p (   '<rect height="'

                   || y_height

                   || '" width="'

                   || x_bigstep

                   || '" x="'

                   || x_pos

                   || '" y="0"/>'


            x_pos := x_pos + x_bigstep;

         END IF;

--drawing thin black line

         IF v_barstrcodeselect = 'b'


            HTP.p (   '<rect height="'

                   || y_height

                   || '" width="'

                   || x_smallstep

                   || '" x="'

                   || TO_CHAR (x_pos)

                   || '" y="0"/>'


            x_pos := x_pos + x_smallstep;

         END IF;

--drawing thick white line

         IF v_barstrcodeselect = 'c'


            x_pos := x_pos + x_bigstep;

         END IF;

--drawing thin white line

         IF v_barstrcodeselect = 'd'


            x_pos := x_pos + x_smallstep;

         END IF;

      END LOOP;

-- write one char of label

      IF v_label = 'YES'


         HTP.p (   '<text class="textlabel" x="'

                || x_textstep

                || '" y="'

                || (y_height + 10)

                || '">'

                || v_barstr

                || '</text>'


      END IF;

      x_pos := x_pos + x_smallstep;

      x_textstep := x_textstep + (x_smallstep * 6 + x_bigstep * 3) + 3;


   HTP.p (' </g>');

   HTP.p (' </svg> ');

END barcode_pr;

2. Create the application process in the shared components


   barcode_pr (:t_code_text, :t_code_label, :t_code_height, :t_code_width);

apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;


3. Create the 3 application items in the shared components


4. Create a classic report based on the coy&pasted query and set the column attributes to display as standard report column

SELECT empno, ename,

  '<embed '

  || 'src='



  || ename

  || ',Yes,20,1'

  || ' '

  || 'width=200 height=45 '

  || 'type=image/svg+xml />' barcode

  FROM emp

When I run the application the column where the barcode should appear is simply empty.

There's definitely nothing wrong with my browser as I can see the barcodes in the demo app.

The procedure itself works fine. For testing I created a button that executes the process and shows the barcode for that one specific string on a new page....

I stopped counting how many times I followed the instructions and deleted the application because it was not working and started all over again.

So, I'd really appreciate if anyone could give me a hint which part of the demo I missed!

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Post Details
Locked on Sep 3 2014
Added on Jul 28 2014