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Any Maven Repo that holds the Oracle Property Graph jars?

user10818227Oct 16 2018

I am trying to determine if there are maven dependency settings I can use to pull the oracle jars to develop a java client that will load and query data in Oracle Spatial and Property Graph 12.2.  So far what I had to do was steal the jars from the oracle install under md/property_graph/lib and set it on the classpath of the project.  but I want to create a maven based project with dependencies.  I am not even sure what group they would be in if I was able to configure a maven settings file against the oracle maven repo. 

So looking for jars like pgx_api_2.1.0.jar, etc.

In the pgql-lang-master git repo there is reference to an internal artifacthub in some maven poms. 

Are there any examples that spell out the maven dependencies (how the property graph jars are grouped in a maven repo) for outside world?  Or is it something that we need to manually pull the jars and find a way to inject them or host them ourselves?

Any ideas on proper channels on how to get the jars?

Am I overlooking it in the developer guide for 12.2c or later?


Diane Griffith

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Added on Oct 16 2018
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