Analytic Query Help
580950Feb 10 2008 — edited Feb 11 2008 My table has student grades by date. For each student, I need to return the date of the most recent F, and the number of consecutive F's the student had made at that time (NOT the total number of F's). So, for the table data below, I want the sql to return...
JANE 16-NOV-07 2
BILL 23-APR-07 4
JANE 08-Feb-08 B
JANE 28-Dec-07 B
JANE 16-Nov-07 F
JANE 05-Oct-07 F
JANE 24-Aug-07 C
JANE 13-Jul-07 C
JANE 01-Jun-07 C
JANE 20-Apr-07 C
JANE 09-Mar-07 A
JANE 26-Jan-07 F
JANE 15-Dec-06 B
JANE 03-Nov-06 B
JANE 22-Sep-06 F
JANE 11-Aug-06 F
JANE 30-Jun-06 F
JANE 19-May-06 F
JANE 07-Apr-06 C
JANE 24-Feb-06 C
JANE 13-Jan-06 C
BILL 28-Jan-08 C
BILL 03-Dec-07 C
BILL 08-Oct-07 B
BILL 13-Aug-07 B
BILL 18-Jun-07 B
BILL 23-Apr-07 F
BILL 26-Feb-07 F
BILL 01-Jan-07 F
BILL 06-Nov-06 F
BILL 11-Sep-06 C
BILL 17-Jul-06 C
BILL 22-May-06 F
BILL 27-Mar-06 F
BILL 30-Jan-06 F