we have recently updated to Oracle and are using the WRAP utility that came with Oracle 10g. (Edit: we just tried with the WRAP utility version 12, the results are the same.)
We noticed that, after a package has been wrapped, certain characters explicited in a string are not converted correctly. In particular, characters of the extended part in the ASCII table (>127).
Here is a very simple example:
create or replace package TEST is
function test_ascii return varchar;
end TEST;
create or replace package body TEST is
function test_ascii return varchar is
return('¦'); -- this is ASCII 166
end TEST;
If you copy&paste the above code into the PL/SQL program, and do a "select TEST.test_ascii from dual", it works: you'll see a ¦ character.
But if you WRAP that text, load the .plb generated file... when you do a "select TEST.test_ascii from dual", you'll see another thing. It seems like a codepage conversion error, or something.
Is there any workaround?
Thank you.