Hi, No matter what I do I can't install Java on my windows 7 (Ultimate version)PC.
Keep getting errorcode1603 msg. Java installation did not succeed.
I've removed all old installations and done clean install with same result numerous times
Trying to run RAIDAR (to connect to my Readynas Duo) I get this msg...
"No JVM could be found on your system.
Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed 32-bit JDK or JRE or download a JRE from www.java.com."
Trying to install Java only results in 1603 msg
Windows 7 64 computer
Sony Vaio brand
Done removal of Java and register cleaning and retried to install with same result.
I have tried:
Done the register java removal suggested on webpages
Manually removed Java and Sun folder/libraries in program, program86 and program data systemfolders.
What to do now?