When I deploy my ear application manually into the WebLogic Server and I try to start the ear file, I come across with the following error that you can see below. Do you know the reason behind it ? I am using WebLogic 12.1.2. Maybe the version of Weblogic is the major problem behind ?
Thank you for your helps
weblogic.application.ModuleException: Error: Unresolved Webapp Library references for "WebAppModule(awp-claim-comm-ear:/AWPClaimCommWeb)", defined in weblogic.xml [Extension-Name: beehive-controls-1.0.1-10.0-war, Specification-Version: 1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: jstl, Specification-Version: 1.1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: struts-1.2, Specification-Version: 1.2, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: weblogic-controls-10.0-war, Specification-Version: 10, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: wls-commonslogging-bridge-war, Specification-Version: 1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: beehive-netui-1.0.1-10.0, Specification-Version: 1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: beehive-netui-resources-1.0.1-10.0, Specification-Version: 1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: AWPCommonWebLib, Specification-Version: 1, Implementation-Version: 1.0.0, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: AWPEjbWebLib, Specification-Version: 1, Implementation-Version: 1.0.0, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: AWPSsoWebLib, Specification-Version: 1, exact-match: true]