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V4 XTTS errors generated in the res.txt file

AntonioMay 7 2021

Good afternoon, we are performing a migration from AIX to Linux, using the procedure and scripts of the note V4 Reduce Transportable Tablespace Downtime using Cross Platform Incremental Backup (Doc ID 2471245.1) and the version of the scripts is

We have about 200 tablespaces with several datafiles each tablespace, when performing the backup as indicated in the note:
$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl --backup

Everything runs correctly, but the problem is that when generating the res.txt file, it is generated incorrectly, instead of putting the backup pieces generated for each tablespaces, it puts the name of the datafile.

Here is an example:

[oracle@targetserver tempxtt]$ cat res.txt

And it would have to be this:

[oracle@targetserver tempxtt]$ cat res.txt

And when trying to perform the restore:

$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl --restore

it does not locate the backup pieces and errors are generated.

Any idea about this, we have performed other procedures in Solaris as target and destination linux and the file res.txt has been generated correctly, it only happens to us when the source platform is AIX.

Thank you very much.



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Added on May 7 2021
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