Use Case
First of all i want to prevent multiple login with same user. So i decided to drop multiple sessions for same user and keep the latest one. Basically when you login from your phone, then login from your computer; your phone's session will be drop and you would kicked out from system for phone and you can keep going with computer.
I already have users table with id primary key. But in some cases usernames could be same. For example a ‘ABC’ person working in a company and username is ABC. Someone from other branch or company could have exact same person. So basically i have a unique constraint like username + branch . But in this case if i drop sessions just by checking username that would be wrong.
That's why i tried to use this tenant_id thing as described below →
So i set_tenant_id with user_id then i do this in post authentication procedure →
Procedure p_check_multiple_sessions(
p_user_id Varchar2 Default v('APP_TENANT_ID')
) As
Cursor c_sessions Is
Select q1.apex_session_id,q2.application_id
From apex_workspace_sessions q1,
Select apex_session_id,
Max(view_date) last_access,
Min(view_date) first_access,
Count(*) requests
From apex_workspace_activity_log
Group By apex_session_id,
) q2
Where q1.apex_session_id = q2.apex_session_id
And q1.session_tenant_id = upper(p_user_id)
And q2.application_id In (
Select q2.application_id
From apex_workspace_sessions q1, (
Select apex_session_id,
application_id, Max(view_date) last_access,
Min(view_date) first_access, Count(*) requests
From apex_workspace_activity_log
Group By apex_session_id,
) q2
Where q1.apex_session_id = q2.apex_session_id
And q1.session_tenant_id = upper(p_user_id)
Group By q2.application_id
Having Count(*) >= 1);
For r_session In c_sessions Loop
apex_authentication.remove_persistent_auth ( APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.GET_USER );
End Loop;
As you can see i can duplicated sessions by looking the user_id that i have instead of using username. But because of persistent auth thing this procedure not working as intended
My Question Is
Is it makes sense to use tenant_id like this ?
What should i do to remove persistent auth only for that user id ?
Currently it looks like all persistent auth feature of oracle working with username only.
Is there any other way to do this more clean ?
Note: I'm using custom authentication.
My alternative option
I can user user_id as username to make it uniq. In app i should convert APP_USER usage with this →
select username from users where id = v('APP_USER');
That could also an option maybe ?