I downloaded the OBIEE 12c and wanted to Install it but could not. I have oracle Jdeveloper installed already and working perfectly well. What do I do to install this
- INST-07548: The selected distribution does not have any compatible install type for the selected Oracle Home.
- INST-07551: Not all dependent featuresets for install type "BI Platform Distribution with Samples" could be found. The following prerequisites were found to be missing: jrf_wlsFmw - - Select a different Oracle Home having all dependencies. Check http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fmw122130&id=installhome for details about compatible products and install types.
- INST-07551: Not all dependent featuresets for install type "BI Platform Distribution" could be found. The following prerequisites were found to be missing: jrf_wlsFmw - -