843811Jan 7 2005 — edited Jan 11 2005when i open a page with java on it, it is not viewable. instead, i get this error message: THE SUN JVM IS NOT INSTALLED: CLICK TO INSTALL
so i click to install, but download is 108MB. i was told by a friend that all i need is a 14MB download, but dont know how to find it.
another friend told me that i need J2SDK, but that's a 165MB download. then i emailed Sun, and they said i just need JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE and not J2SDK, but when downloading JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE, i get JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT SE v 1.4.2_06 with 108MB.
other things i tried downloading:
-J2SE SDK which is supposed to be 14MB and i keep getting JAVA2RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT SE v1.4.2_06 which is 108mb.
-J2SDK SE v 1.4.2_06 by clicking:
For Windows, choose "Windows Online Installation" for the quickest download and installation on a machine connected to the Internet. The default download size is 48.6MB, which is the maximum download. The size may decrease if features are deselected, to a minimum of 14.3MB.'
but what downloaded was not 14MB, it was 165MB.
I need java only for viewing certain parts of pages, nothing more, so 165MB seems crazy. i try to install only certain parts by checking 'do not install this now', but it gets installed anyway. there seems to be no way to only install a portion of the download. and the strangest thing is that i once had java, so where did it disappear to?
how can i just get the 14 mb download. i've tried EVERYTHING.
can anyone help? i've spent HOURS being challenged by this.