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The ArrayList of select MySQL DB that returned is don't show in JSP table.

Cezar ApulchroOct 22 2024

I've an method to select records in an mysql table this method are work fine but when I'll load the returned records in my jsp table the records is not showed in the table. This cod below is the "view frame source" result executed in my browser.

<div id="farea"> 
<form action="SoTabela" method="post" autocomplete="off"> 

<div id="tabela" class="tclass"> 
<table class="tabela" id="tabpacientes"> 
<tr id="linha"> 
<th id="lcabeca" style="width: 50px">Hora</th> 
<th id="lcabeca" style="width: 175px">Nome</th> 
<th id="lcabeca" style="width: 34px">Sexo</th> 
<th id="lcabeca" style="width: 70px">Data</th> 
<th id="lcabeca" style="width: 70px">Telefone</th> 
<tbody id="tcorpo"> 

<c:forEach var="tabpacientes" items="[PesquisaExamesDia{cnpj=04.377.802/0001-76, 
select returned===> nome=Daniele dos Santos, prontuario=null, sexo=F, dataexame=18/10/2024, celular=(99)99999-9999, horaexame=10:00:00}, 
select returned===> nome=Juscylene da Silva, prontuario=null, sexo=F, dataexame=18/10/2024, celular=(99)99999-9999, horaexame=08:30:00}]"> 
<tr id="linha"> 
<tr id="linha"> 
<td id="lcoluna" style="width: 50px;"><c:out value=""></c:out></td> 
<td id="lcoluna" style="width: 175px;"><c:out value=""></c:out></td> 
<td id="lcoluna" style="width: 34px;"><c:out value=""></c:out></td> 
<td id="lcoluna" style="width: 70px;"><c:out value=""></c:out></td> 
<td id="lcoluna" style="width: 90px;"><c:out value=""></c:out></td> 

below code to mout table:

<tbody id="tcorpo">                        
                        PacientesDAO_W01 pcdaopsqz = new PacientesDAO_W01();
                        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
                        String cnpj = session.getAttribute("cnpj").toString();
                        System.out.println("Pegando cnpj setado: " + cnpj);

	                ArrayList<PesquisaExamesDia> pacientes = new ArrayList<PesquisaExamesDia>();
                        String CNPJ = session.getAttribute("cnpj").toString();
                        String dtaExames = "18/10/2024";
              "pstm data ultra. recebido: " + dtaExames);

                        pacientes = pcdaopsqz.getPesquisaExamesDia(cnpj, dtaExames);
              "Tabela retornada para JSP: " + pacientes);
                        request.setAttribute("pacientes", pacientes);
                        <c:forEach var="tabpacientes" items="${pacientes}">
                            <tr id="linha">
                                <td id="lcoluna" style="width: 50px;"><c:out value="${tabpacientes.horaexame}"></c:out></td>
                                <td id="lcoluna" style="width: 175px;"><c:out value="${tabpacientes.nome}"></c:out></td>
                                <td id="lcoluna" style="width: 34px;"><c:out value="${tabpacientes.sexo}"></c:out></td>
                                <td id="lcoluna" style="width: 70px;"><c:out value="${tabpacientes.dataexame}"></c:out></td>
                                <td id="lcoluna" style="width: 90px;"><c:out value="${tabpacientes.celular}"></c:out></td>

I don't have any idea how to solve this problem because I've other tables into express language that work fine.
Thanks and best regards in advance.


Artan Hajdari Feb 11 2025

Can someone help me in this case please

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Added on Oct 22 2024