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Textura Payment Management


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Textura Administration and Reporting across multiple Primary Organizations - Administration Parent Organization

Michael MullDec 5 2024

Many Textura organizations administer multiple primary organizations. When administration tasks are centralized across multiple primary organizations, centralized administrators must maintain multiple user accounts, one for each primary organization. When an organization also uses Single-Sign-On (SSO) for Textura, a centralized administrators' SSO is limited to one primary organization account.

This idea is to create a new type of organization in Textura, an Administration Parent Organization, linking multiple primary organizations together to support enterprise-wide administration tasks and possibly user/project administration related reporting across the linked primary organizations. The Administration Parent Organization cannot have projects, and user accounts would be limited to Enterprise Administrators. Additionally, as DocWriter evolves, maybe it can function more efficiently at an Administration Parent Organization level allowing proprietary documents to be shared across all linked primary organizations.

Having an Administration Parent Organization may also provide internal benefits to Textura in account management, fee billing, and support functions.



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Added on Dec 5 2024
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