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Supported peopletools for Peoplsoft 8.8/8.9 and 9.0 versions

user638905-OracleSep 26 2008 — edited Sep 27 2008

I would like to know the documentation or pointers to the following.....

Supported People Tools for following Peoplesoft versions....

Peoplesoft HR 8.8
Peoplesoft FIN 8.8
Peoplesoft HR 8.9
Peoplesoft FIN 8.9
Peoplesoft HR 9.0
Peoplesoft FIN 9.0

Presently i am using 8.45 Peopletools for Peoplesoft FIN/HR 8.8

let me know if you need more information



Nicolas Gasparotto
There was a good documentation in regarding Peopletools version and application version.
Unfortunately, the blog doesn't work right now.
I'll try to find out an other source.

Anyway, Peoplesoft 9.0 applications have been built on Peopletools 8.48, and of course certified on 8.49.

Here is the link I told about above, it is working now :


add the link since the blog is working now.
Edited by: N. Gasparotto on Sep 27, 2008 3:55 PM
Nicolas Gasparotto
Furthermore, if I well understood one of the conferences about Peopletools during the Open Wolrd, the coming Peopletools 8.50 will be supported with in Peoplesoft applications 8.8.
You could be confident that applications 8.8 and 8.9 are certified on Peopletools 8.48 and 8.49.

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Locked on Oct 25 2008
Added on Sep 26 2008