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I have sources of my packages stored in files with pkb and pks extenions. Oracle Developer Tools for Viusal Studio do not recognize it as sql so no syntax is highlighted. Can it be changed so they are properly recognized as sql files ?
The "sudo al-config -s" doesn't work on my Autonomous Linux instance.
Command output:
[opc@opsserver ~]$ sudo al-config -s
/sbin/al-config: illegal option -- s
Configure OCI notification service topic OCID:
al-config -T [topic OCID]
-T [topic OCID] OCI notification service topic OCID
Configure OCI CLI profile:
al-config -u [user OCID] -t [tenancy OCID] -k [key file]
-u [user OCID] OCI User OCID
-t [tenancy OCID] OCI Tenancy OCID
-k [key file] from which we obtaion the API private key
-p [key passphrase file] from which we obtain API key passphrase. Provide
this if API private key is encrypted. If not provided, user will be
prompted to enter passphrase.