Hi everybody,
i downloaded tht sqlcl version 18.4. When i try to start the sql command i get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: oracle/dbtools/raptor/scriptrunner/cmdline/SqlCli : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
I know that this error is due to different version of java in our os and ORACLE_HOME. For some reason this version prefers the java from our ORACLE_HOME and not the java which is set in our PATH Variable.
Even if i set the $JAVA_HOME/bin at the beginning of our PATH the error occurs. I didn't get this error with the sqlcl 18.2.
The only way i found out is to unset our ORACLE_HOME. Then theĀ JAVA_HOME Variable is taken by the tool and i am able to start the sqlcl.
But unseting our ORACLE_HOME is not really an alternative for me.
So can anyone perhaps provide me a different workaround? Is it possible to tell sqlcl which java the tool should use to start?
Any tipp is appreciated!
Greetings Daniel