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SQL Developer


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SQL Developer freezes for several minutes before running new query

Heidi-KCJul 3 2023

Preface: I've looked through many forums, blogs, and websites and have tried many possible solutions with no success. Sometimes it seems like a solution fixes the issue, but then the issue will recurr when I close and restart the program.

This issue started with version 20.4.1, when we were told by our organization to update our version due to Log4j. Never had a problem before then. I have upgraded 2 times since and it is not resolved. I am currently on version 23.1.0 64-bit with JDK, which I downloaded a few days ago, running on Windows 10.

The program hangs for 3 minutes every time I start to run a new query, or run an old query in a new session. The queries are simple select statements retrieving 1-10 rows. When I hit F9, the play button grays out. The code editor cannot be updated, but I can open the menus, change preferences, etc. After the 3-minute delay (which I timed), suddenly the query will run, and it completes in less than 1 second. I can run the query again with no delay. If I write a new query, I have the delay again. Or if I change the original query (for example change one transaction ID for another), I have the delay. If I have 5 or 6 select statements in the code editor, once I get past the 3 minute delay for each, I can run them all as much as I want with no delay. If I change the query, or if I save, exit, and restart the program, I get the delay again.

I don't have any delays when starting the program, opening a saved database file, exporting results, connecting to a DB, or running the query itself. Only initializing a query.

I am happy to provide logs or whatever else is needed, but please provide detailed instructions how to get them. I'm not a developer or DBA, so my familiarity with the tool is limited to writing and running simple queries.

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Added on Jul 3 2023