I want to setup two Solaris Cluster 4.4 in two different datacenters, each with two nodes. In case of emergency, I want to import the SAN LUNs / ZPOOLs from one cluster to the other (Kernel Zones are installed on the LUNs).
To make that easy we could share the LUNs in the same SAN zone so I would see all disks on both clusters. (HDS Storage is mirrored between datacenters using ZPOOL MIRROR). Coming across cluster SCSI fencing, I am wondering if that could become a problem. We are using a Quorum Server Host, IP based, in a third datacenter. Cluster runs with
Would it be an idea to disable fencing on shared LUNs to avoid running into reservation issues if one cluster has a problem?
Current Settings:
# scdidadm -L -o instance -o defaultfencing -o detectedfencing -o fullpath | grep -i 20DE
29 USE_GLOBAL N/A clnode0:/dev/rdsk/c0t60060E800882740000908274000020DEd0
29 USE_GLOBAL N/A clnode1:/dev/rdsk/c0t60060E800882740000908274000020DEd0
# cldev show 29
=== DID Device Instances ===
DID Device Name: /dev/did/rdsk/d29
Full Device Path: clnode0:/dev/rdsk/c0t60060E800882740000908274000020DEd0
Full Device Path: clnode1:/dev/rdsk/c0t60060E800882740000908274000020DEd0
Replication: none
default_fencing: global
I would change that “global” to “nofencing”:
# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing d29
Do you see any issues with that?
Thanks and regards
- Martin