For me the great improvement of Forms 14 is to be able to define at runtime the number of records in a block.
But testing, I have seen that we must be very careful with the values that we give because they can produce high loading and closing times of the programs.
For example, a program with a block with 475 fields, only 2 in the grid, the rest only visualize 1 record, if the property “Maximum displayed records” is set to 200, it takes 40 seconds to open and 15 seconds to close.
Example: https://github.com/sailefm/OracleForms/blob/main/test_f14_max_number_records.fmb
I understand that to indicate in the fields the property “Number of Items Displayed” to 1, internally it has to treat it the same as if it was 0 since in Forms 14 the RECORD_DISPLAYED property of an item can be changed at run time.
If the block is left with 50 fields the opening is immediate, but from there the times begin to increase exponentially.
Is there any way to improve this behavior?
I miss the possibility of indicating in the fields the maximum number of records, that way you could indicate that this field will never grow and internally Forms could optimize.