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Oracle Forms


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Setting up your project in the forms subdirectory

Edward lz40 hours ago — edited 40 hours ago

Hi All!

I would like to know if there is anywhere a description of the sequence of steps for setting up your project in a subfolder of the forms folder.

For example, I have a project, it should be located in the folder C:\oracle\Middle\forms\tech

How to configure it correctly so that when I click on a link in the browser (something like: http://server-2022:9001/forms/frmservlet?form=tech.fmx&config=tech) , I download a jnlp file and launch it, which will launch the project I need?

I have already set up such a project several times... but it never worked right away.

How I didю In enterprise manager:

EM → Weblogic Domain → Forms → Forms1 → Environment Configuration

1. Dublicate File like tech.env

2. In field Show choosed tech.env

3. for FORMS_PATH set value: C:\oracle\Middle\forms\tech

4. Apply

5. EM → Weblogic Domain → Forms → Forms1 → Web Configuration → Create Like → Section to Dublicate: Webstart and gave the name “tech”

6. Choosed section “tech”

and below set envFile: tech.env and form: tech.fmx

7. Apply

Then I restarted all services: nodeManager, Weblogic, Forms. However, the project does not start. Then I tried making changes in formsweb.cfg in other places... at some point the project started working... but I don’t have a clear algorithm.

If I go to such url jnlp-file is downloading: http://server-2022:9001/forms/frmservlet?config=webstart

As far as I understand, to download a jnlp file it is not necessary to run reports and OHS?

Perhaps my problems with reports also stem from incorrect project settings. How to configure it correctly?


It is a bit unclear what you are asking. Here are the two questions or comments I see that could use an answer/reply:

How to configure it correctly so that when I click on a link in the browser (something like: http://server-2022:9001/forms/frmservlet?form=tech.fmx&config=tech) , I download a jnlp file and launch it, which will launch the project I need?

To launch a Forms app from a web page, simply add the appropriate URL to a hyperlink in the html page. For example:

<!doctype html>
<h2>Launch My Form</h2>
<p><a href="http://server-2022:9001/forms/frmservlet?form=tech.fmx&config=tech">Click to launch my form</a></p>

…to download a jnlp file it is not necessary to run reports and OHS?

The jnlp file is used to start Java Web Start (JWS) or Applet applications external to a browser. Since Forms applications run as a client-side Java application, the use of JWS is needed. For technologies that result in HTML based output, like Reports then JNLP does not apply.

Edward lz

If, after launching Nodemanager, Weblogic, WLS_FORMS, I go to the link:


the browser will download the jnlp file, launching which will launch the test form test.fmx

When I try go by url:


i see:

Oracle Java is required to run this application.

This web browser does not support Java Plugin or it is not enabled. Consider using Java Web Start or Standalone Launcher instead.

I wanted to find out exactly what actions need to be taken so that it would be the same with my project located in C:\oracle\Middle\forms\tech\tech.fmx

I’ve done this more than once, but each time it doesn’t work right away.. I don’t have the exact algorithm.. every time I think I already understand how to set it up.. I start doing it.. and it doesn’t work again.. and again I waste time until at some point everything works..

Your configuration ("tech") likely does not have the needed JWS settings. The easiest way to create a custom titled section is to find one of the samples we provide (e.g. webstart) then at the top right side look for the padlock and choose “Lock & Edit”. Then at the top of the table click on “Create Like”. In the dialog, choose the section you want to copy/duplicate (e.g. webstart) and provide the desired new name. Do not provide a “new” name if that name already exists. If you want to replace an existing one, Delete the old one first then use these steps.

Once you have created the new section, it will appear in the top table. Select it then scroll to the bottom table and you can begin customizing it.

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Added 40 hours ago