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Java HotSpot Virtual Machine


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Setting up oracle virtual machine with SQL source files

User_85083Oct 15 2021

Hi everyone,
I'm pretty confused and hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've been learning SQL in school, and I want to practice on my laptop (Windows). I have a book with downloadable source files/schemas. I need to figure out how to get oracle on my laptop, along with the schemas.... I have downloaded:
Oracle VM VirtualBox Base Packages - 6.1.26
Oracle Database 19c
SQL Developer 21.2.1
Database Virtual Box Appliance / Virtual Machine
I think I probably don't need all 4 of these and there must be a simpler way? I'm not sure how these all work together. I know there are some guides online but I keep going in circles. Any guidance is really appreciated. Thank you in advance!


Arnoschots-Oracle Apr 22 2020 — edited on Apr 22 2020


The "sudo al-config -s" doesn't work on my Autonomous Linux instance.

Command output:

[opc@opsserver ~]$ sudo al-config -s

/sbin/al-config: illegal option -- s

Configure OCI notification service topic OCID:


    al-config -T [topic OCID]


    -T [topic OCID] OCI notification service topic OCID

Configure OCI CLI profile:


    al-config -u [user OCID] -t [tenancy OCID] -k [key file]


    -u [user OCID] OCI User OCID

    -t [tenancy OCID] OCI Tenancy OCID

    -k [key file] from which we obtaion the API private key

    -p [key passphrase file] from which we obtain API key passphrase. Provide

       this if API private key is encrypted. If not provided, user will be

       prompted to enter passphrase.

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Added on Oct 15 2021