RMan misses some files while deleting obsolete archivelogs
Hi all,
in one of our 9iR2-databases I noticed a rather strange behaviour of the RMan-mechanism of deleting obsolete archivelogs. The RMan-script has the "DELETE OBSOLETE RECOVERY WINDOW 7 DAYS DEVICE TYPE DISK" - command. So RMan deletes the archivelogs regularly. But unfortunately on each run it leaves 3 files undeleted. The logfile is (only the relevant lines):
Deleting the following obsolete backups and copies:
Type Key Completion Time Filename/Handle
---- ----
Archive Log 24779 08-SEP-10 /oralogs/oraArchive/VG41MED/VG41MED_12402.ora
Archive Log 24780 08-SEP-10 /oralogs/oraArchive/VG41MED/VG41MED_12403.ora
Archive Log 24785 08-SEP-10 /oralogs/oraArchive/VG41MED/VG41MED_12408.ora
on the next run (next day) the logfile tells me:
Deleting the following obsolete backups and copies:
Type Key Completion Time Filename/Handle
---- ----
Archive Log 24799 09-SEP-10 /oralogs/oraArchive/VG41MED/VG41MED_12412.ora
Archive Log 24800 09-SEP-10 /oralogs/oraArchive/VG41MED/VG41MED_12413.ora
Archive Log 24805 09-SEP-10 /oralogs/oraArchive/VG41MED/VG41MED_12418.ora
As you can see, RMan misses logfile VG41MED12409.ora, VG41MED12410.ora and VG41MED_12411.ora which are available before and after the backup-procedure. We don't treat archivelogs on operation system level. A "crosscheck archivelog all"-command doesn't list these 3 files, so the database thinks they are deleted - which really isn't true. This odd scheme is repeated every day, so my archivelog directory grows daily with the undeleted 3 files.
This behaviour appears even more strange because the same RMan-backup-script run on 3 other databases with the identical structure doesn't show this "error". I've checked the configuration of the 4 databases and detected no difference.
Maybe its a corrupted controlfile (we are not using catalog-db). Has anyone any idea how to fix this?
Edited by: user8964905 on 20.09.2010 00:18