Hi, I am on APEX 21.1.5. I have two interactive grids contained within one static region:
The “Devices” IG has a column, LOCATION_ID, that is a FK to the Primary Key of the Locations IG.
LOCATION_ID is a Select List, and it consists of all the values from the Locations IG/table.
(Not using real table names, but I think the idea is pretty clear here.)
When I add or remove a value from the Locations IG, I want the options on the LOCATION_ID Select List to automatically refresh. But they are not. I tried setting up a DA that fires on ‘Save [Interactive Grid]’ for region ‘..Locations’, with a True action that performs an action of ‘Refresh’ to the region ‘..Devices’.
The Devices region does indeed seem to get refreshed when I save the Locations IG, but the Select List of LOCATION_ID is not updating. It will only update if I close out of this page (a modal dialog) and go back in or, similarly, refresh the page.
Does anyone know why this is the case and what I can do to make the Select List in the dependent IG refresh?
Thank you!