Hello, we were previously on PS 9.20.19 (tools 8.54). We are in the middle of upgrading to PS 9.20.25 (tools 8.57). Our users noticed that when creating a requisition under services procurement, resource, their page has changed to an undesired result. My question is:::: Is this launch page configurable or did PS decide to change the page? In either case, where can I change it back to the previous page.
The steps are:
1. Navigate to e-Procurement / Requisition - to create a new req.
2. Click on the Services Procurement link
3. Click on the Resource link
The page that displays in 9.20.26 is: PV_REQ_SRCH_RES
The page that displays in pre 9.20.26 is : SPF_REQ_INFO_PG
Thank you very much.