I am using SQL Developer version
My PlSqlLogger Custom Syntax Rule looks like this (out of the box):
* Highlighting rule for DBMS_OUTPUT, APEX_DEBUG, and logger API:
* https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=43135:7:::NO:RP,7:P7_ID:44501
[pkg) name
& (?pkg = 'DBMS_OUTPUT' | ?pkg = 'APEX_DEBUG' |
?pkg = 'LOG' | ?pkg = 'logger' -- pattern match is case insensitive
& (pkg^ = node | pkg^^ = node)
& [node) procedure_call
Logger is installed in schema A.
Schema B has a synonym to A.logger
In schema B, syntax highlighting works (light blue under default scheme) for all logger calls except for one nearly 7,000 line PL/SQL package. Is there a package size limit beyond which the PlSqlLogger custom syntax stops applying formatting? I can (and probably should) ask the developer to split the package into smaller sub-packages, but it would be good to know if code size might be the issue here and if there some other work-around to try.
Thank you.