I have used the "exact-install" feature in sol11.3 to shrink down from the default entire package to the "solaris-minimal-server":
pkg exact-install --be-name Sol11.3 entire@0.5.11,5.11- solaris-minimal-server
I have activated the new BE and rebooted but now I get the following error with each command:
root@SERVERH:~# pkg list group/system/\*
pkg: Unable to set locale 'en_US.UTF-8'; locale package may be broken or
not installed. Reverting to C locale.
group/system/solaris-core-platform 0.5.11- i--
group/system/solaris-minimal-server 0.5.11- i--
How do I install what's missing or what to do to get rid of the error message? I have tried activating the change-facet locale.en_US=True but that didn't do anything.
Thank you.