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PIVOT in Oracle

sanJun 29 2018 — edited Jul 10 2018

Hi All,

I am trying to create a pivot query using the below test data

My table looks like

City          Group  agent  paymentdate actno

Chennai   South  X1       05/01/2018 .1

Bangalore south D1       05/02/2018.  2

Delhi.         North C1.      05/02/2018.  3

Chennai.   South. B1.     05/01/2018.  4

Chennai .  South. X1 .    05/01/2018.   5

I am trying to get the output as below

City Group agent 05/01/2018 05/02/2018 05/03/2018

Chennai south X1   2.                    0.                 0

Bangalore south D1 0.                  1.                  0

Delhi.    North .  C1.  0.                  1                   0

Chennai South . B1.  1 .                 0 .                0

Note : Date will dynamic for the month. I have to display data for the month

I tired with PiVot but I have to hardcode the value in for In clause.

How to pass it as dynamic? Or is there any other way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.



This post has been answered by Etbin on Jun 29 2018
Jump to Answer


John Thorton

san wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to create a pivot query using the below test data

My table looks like

City Group agent paymentdate actno

Chennai South X1 05/01/2018 .1

Bangalore south D1 05/02/2018. 2

Delhi. North C1. 05/02/2018. 3

Chennai. South. B1. 05/01/2018. 4

Chennai . South. X1 . 05/01/2018. 5

I am trying to get the output as below

City Group agent 05/01/2018 05/02/2018 05/03/2018

Chennai south X1 2. 0. 0

Bangalore south D1 0. 1. 0

Delhi. North . C1. 0. 1 0

Chennai South . B1. 1 . 0 . 0

Note : Date will dynamic for the month. I have to display data for the month

I tired with PiVot but I have to hardcode the value in for In clause.

How to pass it as dynamic? Or is there any other way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.



How do I ask a question on the forums?


Calendar month?

Month before, after or during/

How many days does your month have?

Please clarify.


Yes it's calendar month. If I pass the parameter 'May' I should display for everyday in the month of May.

05/01/2018 ....... 05/31/2018


Or is there any other way to achieve this?

You might need a query that will write your query

select 'select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from data) '||

       'pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in ('||

       listagg('date '''||to_char(dte,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' "'||to_char(dte,'mm/dd/yyyy')||'"',',') within group (order by dte)||'))' query

  from (select to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy') + level - 1 dte

          from (select :mm_yyyy month_year

                  from dual


        connect by level <= to_number(to_char(last_day(to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy')),'dd'))



data as

(select 'Chennai' city,'South' group_,'X1' agent,to_date('05/01/2018','mm/dd/yyyy') paymentdate,1 actno from dual union all

select 'Bangalore','south','D1',to_date('05/02/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),2 from dual union all

select 'Delhi','North','C1',to_date('05/02/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),3 from dual union all

select 'Chennai','South','B1',to_date('05/01/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),4 from dual union all

select 'Chennai','South','X1',to_date('05/01/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),5 from dual union all

select 'Bangalore','south','D1',to_date('06/02/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),2 from dual union all

select 'Delhi','North','C1',to_date('06/03/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),3 from dual union all

select 'Chennai','South','B1',to_date('06/01/2018','mm/dd/yyyy'),4 from dual


select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from data) pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in (date '2018-05-01' "05/01/2018",date '2018-05-02' "05/02/2018",date '2018-05-03' "05/03/2018",date '2018-05-04' "05/04/2018",date '2018-05-05' "05/05/2018",date '2018-05-06' "05/06/2018",date '2018-05-07' "05/07/2018",date '2018-05-08' "05/08/2018",date '2018-05-09' "05/09/2018",date '2018-05-10' "05/10/2018",date '2018-05-11' "05/11/2018",date '2018-05-12' "05/12/2018",date '2018-05-13' "05/13/2018",date '2018-05-14' "05/14/2018",date '2018-05-15' "05/15/2018",date '2018-05-16' "05/16/2018",date '2018-05-17' "05/17/2018",date '2018-05-18' "05/18/2018",date '2018-05-19' "05/19/2018",date '2018-05-20' "05/20/2018",date '2018-05-21' "05/21/2018",date '2018-05-22' "05/22/2018",date '2018-05-23' "05/23/2018",date '2018-05-24' "05/24/2018",date '2018-05-25' "05/25/2018",date '2018-05-26' "05/26/2018",date '2018-05-27' "05/27/2018",date '2018-05-28' "05/28/2018",date '2018-05-29' "05/29/2018",date '2018-05-30' "05/30/2018",date '2018-05-31' "05/31/2018"))

BangaloresouthD1Marked as Answer by san · Sep 27 2020

Thanks Etbin for your time. You mean I need to hardcode the date values in the above mentioned query? Actually user can pass any month as a input. I cannot hardcode the date values.


You said you want it dynamic.

  • The user passes any month (most probably the year is needed too)
  • you submit the month received from the user to the query writer (the first query)
  • the query writes the query you need
  • you execute the query (written by the first query)  and return the result to the user






You mean the below query will give my output?

select 'select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from data) '||

       'pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in ('||

       listagg('date '''||to_char(dte,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' "'||to_char(dte,'mm/dd/yyyy')||'"',',') within group (order by dte)||'))' query

  from (select to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy') + level - 1 dte

          from (select :mm_yyyy month_year

                  from dual


        connect by level <= to_number(to_char(last_day(to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy')),'dd'))



Hi Etbin,

Thanks for your help , the query returns the required query. I can see the output. Now I am trying to make the whole query as dynamic , so that I can return the sql to my function. the function will execute the query and return the output.

Is that possible approach?


Take a look at

Example 7-4 Native Dynamic SQL with OPEN FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE Statements

in the link provided

you need to replace the line under the comment -- Dynamic SQL statement with placeholder: with something as

select 'select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from data) '||

       'pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in ('||

       listagg('date '''||to_char(dte,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' "'||to_char(dte,'mm/dd/yyyy')||'"',',') within group (order by dte)||'))' query

into cursor_text  -- make it varchar2(4000) as varchar2(200) won't be big enough

  from (select to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy') + level - 1 dte

          from (select :mm_yyyy month_year

                  from dual


        connect by level <= to_number(to_char(last_day(to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy')),'dd'))


then open the cursor for cursor_text (no using clause needed)

then fetch from the cursor





Hi ,

I am trying to create a function using the above query , thought it will return the sql to me, I can use that sql in my application.

But when I tried to create a function


v_sql varchar2(4000);


select query into v_sql from (

select 'select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from data) '||

       'pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in ('||

       listagg('date '''||to_char(dte,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' "'||to_char(dte,'mm/dd/yyyy')||'"',',') within group (order by dte)||'))' query

  from (select to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy') + level - 1 dte

          from (select :mm_yyyy month_year

                  from dual


        connect by level <= to_number(to_char(last_day(to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy')),'dd'))


) dual;

return v_sql;


Not able to create a function , but with the same query I can able to create a procedure. why this different?

Error message which I received is

Error at line 8: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "GROUP" when expecting one of the following: , from


Compiles and runs fine for me...

create or replace function f1 (p_mm_yyyy in varchar2)

return varchar2


  v_sql varchar2(4000);


  select query into v_sql from (

    select 'select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from data) '||

           'pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in ('||

           listagg('date '''||to_char(dte,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' "'||to_char(dte,'mm/dd/yyyy')||'"',',') within group (order by dte)||'))' query

      from (select to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy') + level - 1 dte

              from (select p_mm_yyyy month_year

                      from dual


            connect by level <= to_number(to_char(last_day(to_date(month_year,'mm_yyyy')),'dd'))


  ) dual;


return v_sql;



select f1('08_1979') from dual;


Hi Dylan,

Thanks for the help. It's solved my existing issue. I need to use this query and devloep a report in Oracle apex. In Apex I am having some issue. I believe that's kind of internal issue with apex.

I am thinking about the alternative way.

1) using the above query is that possible to create a view or MView ? Mean I need to add one more column as Month value should be to_char(paymentdate,'MON-YYYY') . My view column should be

City Group Agent Month Col1 col2 col3..... Col31

Col 1 to col 31 should be our date of the month.  For example

Chennai South X May col 1 col2 ( here Col1 & 2 is May 1 and May 2)

Once this view is populated . I need to bring down the output like below

First city wise count of payment date next city and group count and next city group Agent kind of drill down report.

Group by with city first then city and group and city group and agent.

Thanks in advance.




Just playing around. (adding a row of column names - (when using " didn't work yet) suggested by Frank several times )

select * from san_data

ChennaiSouthX101-MAY-2018 00:00:001
BangaloresouthD102-MAY-2018 00:00:002
DelhiNorthC102-MAY-2018 00:00:003
ChennaiSouthB101-MAY-2018 00:00:004
ChennaiSouthX101-MAY-2018 00:00:005
BangaloresouthD102-JUN-2018 00:00:002
DelhiNorthC103-JUN-2018 00:00:003
ChennaiSouthB101-JUN-2018 00:00:004

create or replace function san_function(p_month_year in varchar2) return table_varchar2 pipelined is

  l_theCursor     integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;

  l_query         varchar2(4000);

  l_columnValue   varchar2(4000);

  l_status        integer;

  l_colCnt        number default 0;

  l_separator     varchar2(1) := '|';

  l_month_year    varchar2(7) := lpad(p_month_year,7,'0');

  l_descTbl       dbms_sql.desc_tab;

  l_csv           table_varchar2 := table_varchar2();


  select 'select * from (select city,group_,agent,paymentdate from san_data where to_char(paymentdate,''mm_yyyy'') = '''||

          l_month_year || ''') '||

         'pivot (count(*) for paymentdate in ('||

         listagg('date '''||to_char(dte,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' "'||to_char(dte,'mm/dd/yyyy')||'"',',') within group (order by dte)||'))' query

    into l_query

    from (select to_date(l_month_year,'mm_yyyy') + level - 1 dte

            from dual

          connect by level <= to_number(to_char(last_day(to_date(l_month_year,'mm_yyyy')),'dd'))


--  dbms_output.put_line(l_query);  -- for debugging





  for i in 1 .. l_colCnt


    l_csv(1) := l_csv(1) || l_descTbl(i).col_name || l_separator;


  end loop;

  pipe row(l_csv(1));

  l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);

  while (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_theCursor) > 0)


    l_csv(1) := '';

    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt



      l_csv(1) := l_csv(1) || l_columnValue || l_separator;

    end loop;

    pipe row(l_csv(1));

  end loop;






slicer(val,rest,rw,cl) as

(select substr(column_value,1,instr(column_value,'|') - 1),substr(column_value,instr(column_value,'|') + 1),row_number() over (order by null),1

   from table(san_function('5_2018'))

union all

select substr(rest,1,instr(rest,'|') - 1),substr(rest,instr(rest,'|') + 1),rw,cl + 1

   from slicer

  where rest is not null


select city,group_,agent,day_1,day_2,day_3,day_4,day_5,day_6,day_7,day_8,day_9,day_10,



  from (select rw,cl,val

          from slicer


pivot (max(val) for cl in (1 city,2 group_,3 agent,4 day_1,5 day_2,6 day_3,7 day_4,8 day_5,9 day_6,10 day_7,11 day_8,12 day_9,13 day_10,

                            14 day_11,15 day_12,16 day_13,17 day_14,18 day_15,19 day_16,20 day_17,21 day_18,22 day_19,23 day_20,

                            24 day_21,25 day_22,26 day_23,27 day_24,28 day_25,29 day_26,30 day_27,31 day_28,32 day_29,33 day_30,34 day_31



order by rw



I apologies for not mentioning earlier, here i restricted to use proc or func, All i can do is create view and do pivot. I have done below part as of now

using below query i have a created a table (Note: Added one more column)

SELECT * FROM (SELECT city,branch,group,agent,TO_CHAR(payment_date,'DD') MONTH,payment_date

FROM agent_details



FOR MONTH IN (01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,


24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31))order by payment_date;

i will run a job and merge the table every month. my table looks like below

City          Branch Group  agent  paymentdate  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 ............. 31

Chennai          x        South  X1       05/01/2018  1  0    0   0 0  0   0

Bangalore       y        south D1        05/02/2018.  0    1 0 0 0 0 0 

Delhi.              P         North C1.      05/02/2018.  0    1 0 0 0 0 0

Chennai.        z          west. B1.     05/01/2018.  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chennai .       x           South. X1 .    05/01/2018.   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Need a output like below

City          Branch Group  agent  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 ............. 31  total

Chennai   -           -             -        5  2  1  0 4  1  5   5 ................ 6     125      ( Group wise CITY alone)

Chennai  x        south     x1         2  1  1  0 1   0  2  2 ................. 2     55       (group wise city , branch)

                          west      b1         1  0  0  0  2  0   1 1 ................. 1     40

               z         West   a1            1  0  0 0 1 0 0 1..............  2            30

                          North  b1           1  0  0 0  0 0 0 0  ............ 1              2

total    - -  - - -                               10 25 30 45 50 60 ----------- 100      680    

like all city breakup and total needs to add.




Something to play with


data as

(select city,branch,grp,

        case when city = 'Bangalore' then 'W'||to_char(trunc(dbms_random.value(1,6)))

             when city = 'Chennai' then 'X'||to_char(trunc(dbms_random.value(1,5)))

             when city = 'Delhi' then 'Y'||to_char(trunc(dbms_random.value(1,10)))

        end agent,

        extract(day from paymentdate) day

   from (select case trunc(dbms_random.value(1,4)) when 1 then 'Bangalore' when 2 then 'Chennai' when 3 then 'Delhi' end city,

                case trunc(abs(dbms_random.normal)) when 1 then 'B1' when 2 then 'B2' when 3 then 'B3' else 'B4' end branch,

                case trunc(dbms_random.value(1,5)) when 1 then 'North' when 2 then 'South' when 3 then 'East' when 4 then 'West' end grp,

                trunc(sysdate,'mm') + dbms_random.value(0,31) paymentdate

           from dual

         connect by level < 100000



sum_cols as

(select city,branch,grp,agent,


"1"+"2"+"3"+"4"+"5"+"6"+"7"+"8"+"9"+"10"+"11"+"12"+"13"+"14"+"15"+"16"+"17"+"18"+"19"+"20"+"21"+"22"+"23"+"24"+"25"+"26"+"27"+"28"+"29"+"30"+"31" total

   from (select city,branch,grp,agent,day

           from data

          where city = 'Delhi'

            and branch in ('B1','B3')

            and grp = 'East'

            and agent between 'Y7' and 'Y9'


pivot (count(*) for day in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31))


select *

  from sum_cols

union all

select null,null,null,null,sum("1") "1",sum("2") "2",sum("3") "3",sum("4") "4",sum("5") "5",sum("6") "6",sum("7") "7",sum("8") "8",sum("9") "9",sum("10") "10",sum("11") "11",sum("12") "12",sum("13") "13",sum("14") "14",sum("15") "15",sum("16") "16",sum("17") "17",sum("18") "18",sum("19") "19",sum("20") "20",sum("21") "21",sum("22") "22",sum("23") "23",sum("24") "24",sum("25") "25",sum("26") "26",sum("27") "27",sum("28") "28",sum("29") "29",sum("30") "30",sum("31") "31",sum(total)

  from sum_cols


Hi Etbin,

I have done the below part , i have loaded a table using pivot query , using the table data i am trying the build the below query



SELECT "City" SEQ, "City" ,"Branch " ,"Group","Agent","COL1","COL2","COL3","COL4","COL5",





"COL23"+"COL24"+"COL25"+"COL26"+"COL27"+"COL28"+"COL29"+"COL30"+"COL31") as Total


City_rep_tbl where REPORT_DT=:P2_PERIOD



(SELECT  "City"||' Total' SEQ,

'<div style="cursor:pointer" class="parent-row" onclick="javascript:open_row(this)">+  <b>'|| "City" ||' Total </b> </div>' "City",

null as "Branch " ,NULL as "Group",NULL,

SUM("COL1") "01",SUM("COL2") "02",SUM("COL3") "03",SUM("COL4") "04",SUM("COL5") "05",SUM("COL6") "06",SUM("COL7") "07",SUM("COL8") "08",SUM("COL9") "09",

SUM("COL10") "10",SUM("COL11")"11",SUM("COL12") "12",SUM("COL13") "13",SUM("COL14") "14",SUM("COL15") "15",SUM("COL16") "16",

SUM("COL17") "17",SUM("COL18") "18",SUM("COL19") "19",SUM("COL20") "20",SUM("COL21") "21",SUM("COL22") "22",SUM("COL23") "23",SUM("COL24") "24",

SUM("COL25") "25",SUM("COL26")"26",SUM("COL27") "27",SUM("COL28") "28",SUM("COL29") "29",SUM("COL30") "30",SUM("COL31") "31",

sum(Total) TOTAL FROM WITH_CITYREPTBL group by "City"


SELECT   "City"||' Total' SEQ, null as "City" ,

"Branch " AS "Branch ",

null as "Group",NULL,SUM("COL1") "01",SUM("COL2") "02",SUM("COL3") "03",SUM("COL4") "04",SUM("COL5") "05",SUM("COL6") "06",SUM("COL7") "07",SUM("COL8") "08",SUM("COL9") "09",

SUM("COL10") "10",SUM("COL11")"11",SUM("COL12") "12",SUM("COL13") "13",SUM("COL14") "14",SUM("COL15") "15",SUM("COL16") "16",

SUM("COL17") "17",SUM("COL18") "18",SUM("COL19") "19",SUM("COL20") "20",SUM("COL21") "21",SUM("COL22") "22",SUM("COL23") "23",SUM("COL24") "24",

SUM("COL25") "25",SUM("COL26")"26",SUM("COL27") "27",SUM("COL28") "28",SUM("COL29") "29",SUM("COL30") "30",SUM("COL31") "31",

sum(Total) TOTAL FROM WITH_CITYREPTBL group by "City","Branch "


SELECT   "City"||' Total' SEQ, null as "City" ,

"Branch " as "Branch " ,

"Group" as "Group",NULL,SUM("COL1") "01",SUM("COL2") "02",SUM("COL3") "03",SUM("COL4") "04",SUM("COL5") "05",SUM("COL6") "06",SUM("COL7") "07",SUM("COL8") "08",SUM("COL9") "09",

SUM("COL10") "10",SUM("COL11")"11",SUM("COL12") "12",SUM("COL13") "13",SUM("COL14") "14",SUM("COL15") "15",SUM("COL16") "16",

SUM("COL17") "17",SUM("COL18") "18",SUM("COL19") "19",SUM("COL20") "20",SUM("COL21") "21",SUM("COL22") "22",SUM("COL23") "23",SUM("COL24") "24",

SUM("COL25") "25",SUM("COL26")"26",SUM("COL27") "27",SUM("COL28") "28",SUM("COL29") "29",SUM("COL30") "30",SUM("COL31") "31",

sum(Total) TOTAL FROM WITH_CITYREPTBL group by "City","Branch ","Group"



(SELECT '1Total' SEQ,'<div  class="parent-row"><b> Total </b> </div>' as "City", null as "Branch " , NULL as "Group",NULL,

SUM("COL1") "01",SUM("COL2") "02",SUM("COL3") "03",SUM("COL4") "04",SUM("COL5") "05",SUM("COL6") "06",SUM("COL7") "07",SUM("COL8") "08",SUM("COL9") "09",

SUM("COL10") "10",SUM("COL11")"11",SUM("COL12") "12",SUM("COL13") "13",SUM("COL14") "14",SUM("COL15") "15",SUM("COL16") "16",

SUM("COL17") "17",SUM("COL18") "18",SUM("COL19") "19",SUM("COL20") "20",SUM("COL21") "21",SUM("COL22") "22",SUM("COL23") "23",SUM("COL24") "24",

SUM("COL25") "25",SUM("COL26")"26",SUM("COL27") "27",SUM("COL28") "28",SUM("COL29") "29",SUM("COL30") "30",SUM("COL31") "31",








select * from WITH_CITYREPTBL4

Actual Output:

Chennai Total <div style="cursor:pointer" class="parent-row" onclick="javascript:open_row(this)">+;;<b>Chennai Total </b> </div> 414 340 543 970 287 27 350 409 443 437 1023 238 84 383 619 486 696 1326 412 82 437 582 474 532 1278 462 32 253 506 602 2803 17530

Chennai Total X South 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 7

Chennai Total X North 4 6 5 17 8 0 6 10 9 6 22 6 3 5 11 6 14 27 3 0 7 13 5 10 21 0 0 8 2 6 26 266

Chennai Total X West 1 2 4 5 0 0 7 2 4 7 11 3 0 6 6 3 5 7 2 1 3 4 4 7 7 5 0 3 2 3 13 127

Chennai Total X East 63 65 62 130 30 9 70 54 57 52 65 23 7 43 50 52 50 77 26 7 40 41 30 28 84 37 3 20 45 37 70 1427

Chennai Total X     68 73 71 153 39 9 83 66 70 65 98 32 11 54 67 61 69 111 31 8 50 58 39 45 113 42 3 31 49 46 112 1827

First Row - I am displaying Over all Day wise count for Chennai

2,3,4,5 row - Actual result it dispaying City branch gorup day wise count for Chennai 

Last row i am displaying Day wise count of City and branch

Expected Result

First row - Need to display Over all day wise count for Chennai

Second row - Need to display day wise count for City and branch

Finally I need to display city branch and group day wise count.

These needs to done for all city branch and group . (Also i need to add the same <div style="cursor:pointer" class="parent-row" part to branch column in second union query )

the above query is almost working , only thing the last row needs to come as second row , also if i add div style branch column in second union the order is changing.




data as

(select city,branch,grp,

        case when city = 'Bangalore' then 'W'||to_char(trunc(dbms_random.value(1,6)))

             when city = 'Chennai' then 'X'||to_char(trunc(dbms_random.value(1,5)))

             when city = 'Delhi' then 'Y'||to_char(trunc(dbms_random.value(1,10)))

        end agent,

        extract(day from paymentdate) day

   from (select case trunc(dbms_random.value(1,4)) when 1 then 'Bangalore' when 2 then 'Chennai' when 3 then 'Delhi' end city,

                case trunc(abs(dbms_random.normal)) when 1 then 'B1' when 2 then 'B2' when 3 then 'B3' else 'B4' end branch,

                case trunc(dbms_random.value(1,5)) when 1 then 'North' when 2 then 'South' when 3 then 'East' when 4 then 'West' end grp,

                trunc(sysdate,'mm') + dbms_random.value(0,31) paymentdate

           from dual

         connect by level < 100000



sum_cols as

(select city,branch,grp,agent,


"1"+"2"+"3"+"4"+"5"+"6"+"7"+"8"+"9"+"10"+"11"+"12"+"13"+"14"+"15"+"16"+"17"+"18"+"19"+"20"+"21"+"22"+"23"+"24"+"25"+"26"+"27"+"28"+"29"+"30"+"31" total

   from (select city,branch,grp,agent,day

           from data

          where city = 'Chennai'

--          and ...    additional filtering if required


pivot (count(*) for day in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31))


select *

  from (select city,branch,grp/*,agent*/,sum("1") "1",sum("2") "2",sum("3") "3",sum("4") "4",sum("5") "5",sum("6") "6",sum("7") "7",sum("8") "8",sum("9") "9",sum("10") "10",sum("11") "11",sum("12") "12",sum("13") "13",sum("14") "14",sum("15") "15",sum("16") "16",sum("17") "17",sum("18") "18",sum("19") "19",sum("20") "20",sum("21") "21",sum("22") "22",sum("23") "23",sum("24") "24",sum("25") "25",sum("26") "26",sum("27") "27",sum("28") "28",sum("29") "29",sum("30") "30",sum("31") "31",sum(total)

          from sum_cols

         group by rollup(city,branch,grp/*,agent*/)


where city is not null

order by city,branch nulls first,decode(grp,'North',1,'South',2,'East',3,'West',4) nulls first

1 - 16
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Locked on Aug 7 2018
Added on Jun 29 2018