We have two applications in the same workspace, A and B, both with the same authentication scheme ( social connection and generic OAuth2 provider (keyCloak) and the same client_id). From application A the user can click to a link to app B and inside the link there is a query param ?menu_code=1. When the authentication redirects to keyCloak, the apex callback gets called with state and session_state apex_authentication.callback?state=IwRvXL3WCABaPnbd_tiXcadLR5TJIykOETJ1ZXmc78Bba1kWcxRtk3_FwkYDErwqyOQfPG_Mdf6w0AH2H7W72cR5odtBbZzEGn7qqTKxEUxCeTuX9UVV2O_Th4FIOniebzWP4q1HWDKsfiqVQZZWRzUr6C8YpBsGzE3Q_wXySR1VZpZq5bSzpH7bPgWm9Hml6Lf7K0iVLST8mJXlcEh_lA&session_state=b244cfc6-5d2e-4473-8acc-360ceec42cab&code=a24eda49-9967-4d17-93d9-200c941d6c78.b244cfc6-5d2e-4473-8acc-360ceec42cab.6ab3f0b7-e88d-4a45-8469-cd68a8a48df6
but no param menu_code is passed. It seems this is the default behaviour of OAuth2 protocol.
How can I pass the param menu_code to app B? Is there a simple way to fulfill this use case?
The idea is to have a dynamic report based on an application item value, set by the query param so that a single page can serve multiple goals.