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Oracle Database Express Edition (XE)


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OracleXE-Server-Install-Message: The 8081 port is in use.

user7698480Jun 7 2013
Dear all,

I've a problem installing in a Windows System Operational with MCAfee anti-virus that uses the 8081 port number.

OracleXE-Server-Install-Message: The 8081 port is in use.

I need to install Oracle XE in the silent mode.

I'm using the following command line for it:
setup.exe /verbose /s /f1"C:\DISK1\response\OracleXE-install.iss" /f2"C:\oracle_log.txt" /V"/l*v "C:\DISK1\oracle_msi_log.txt""

I already had changed the HTTPPort number in the OracleXE-install.iss file, but the installation error didn't stoped.

How can I change the HTTPPort number in a installation of the "Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Express Edition Windows - 32bits"?

Best regards,

Jener Garcia Menezes
System Architect at Prosegur S/A

11g apex error xe windows


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Locked on Jul 5 2013
Added on Jun 7 2013