Dear community, I would like to know if you can guide me. We installed Oracle Forms 12.2.19 in OCI from scratch. OS: Linux 8. Oracle WLS:
Two-node HA cluster. Node 1 is the primary one, where you are running the AdminServer. When we are going to configure the Oracle Reports service, according to various notes and forums:
We usually configure multicast as a broadcast method for in-process reports in clusters. But this would not work for most Cloud services, including OCI. A suggested alternative is to use a third-party product (e.g., which in addition to generating an extra licensing cost, it is not clear to us if it is supported by Oracle.
The other alternative is to configure and use NamingServices, but as is known, due to the nature of NamingServices it is not suitable for clusters.
So, as I said, we have our cluster environment in OCI, and we find that node 2 (secondary node, WITHOUT AdminServer) multicast works perfectly. But on node 1 (where the AdminServer runs) it does not work, and we only manage to detect the ReportServer through Multicast. Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you very much in advance.