We are excited to announce the general availability of Oracle NoSQL Database, Enterprise Edition (EE) and Community Edition (CE) Version 22.3.
Oracle NoSQL Database is everywhere. Chances are you may have already reaped the benefits of Oracle NoSQL Database operating behind the scenes. Whenever you swipe your credit cards, visit a website, manage your IoT devices, play an online video game, or use your phone, the data consumed in these activities are probably stored and processed in Oracle NoSQL Databases running globally.
New Feature Highlights
1. Powerful Indexes on Functions
Indexes can be created for the value of the NoSQL built-in functions on timestamps, strings, and row properties. Did you ever want to see when a row was last modified? The modification_time function allows you to see the most recent modification time of a row. If it has never been modified since insertion, then you will get the record insertion time. Now you can index it for fast queries. Sample code for creating an index from the row-property function, e.g., modification_time in customerinfo table.
CREATE INDEX idx_modifytime ON customerinfo(modification_time())
Sample code for query using modification_time as the filter.
SELECT * FROM customerinfo $u WHERE modification_time($u) > "2022-10-10T11:15:00"
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2. Effortless Data Migration from DynamoDB
Data migration is a snap with the easy-to-use Oracle NoSQL Database Migrator. Amazon Web Services (AWS) DynamoDB JSON format is the latest addition to the supported data sources. Also, the DynamoDB JSON input files can be stored either on AWS S3 or on file system storage. Other third-party data formats supported are JSON from Oracle NoSQL, Parquet, and MongoDB-formatted JSON. Oracle NoSQL Database Migrator supports importing data to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and on-premise product.
Why make this move?
- Oracle NoSQL Database offers more flexibility than DynamoDB for modeling your data, such as schemaless JSON document or fixed-schema table.
- Oracle NoSQL Database can be run anywhere, so your data-driven application can be deployed in a location that best meets your business and customer needs.
Let's explore how to migrate data from DynamoDB to Oracle NoSQL Database. Data migration steps are extremely easy, for this exercise, let's migrate data to Oracle NoSQL Database from a DynamoDB export on AWS S3.
- Use JSON document as the NoSQL data model.
- Identify the URL where the exported DynamoDB JSON table data has been exported. The migrator will look for json.gz files.
- Specifies the absolute path to a file containing the AWS credentials. The migrator needs the credentials to access S3.
- Name of the profile in the AWS credentials file to be used to connect to AWS S3.
Here's the Oracle NoSQL Database Migrator's sample config file. If the utility is not yet installed, visit here.
: {
: "aws_s3",
: "dynamodb_json",
: "<S3 object url>",
: "</path/to/aws/credentials/file>",
: <"profile name in aws credentials file">
: {
: "nosqldb",
: "<table_name>",
: "kvstore",
: ["<hostname>:5000"]
: {
: true,
: "<PrimaryKey:Datatype>",
: true,
: "1.0.0"
Run the data migrator using the path to the migrator configuration file:
./runMigrator --config <path to the configuration file>
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3. Easy Data Migration for Data in CSV Format
Oracle NoSQL Database Migrator supports importing data from CSV files as a source to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and on-premise product. Let's explore how to migrate data from a CSV file to Oracle NoSQL Database. Here's a sample of data from a file called newcourses.csv.
1,"Computer Science", "San Francisco", "2500"
2,"Bio-Technology", "Los Angeles", "1200"
3,"Journalism", "Las Vegas", "1500"
4,"Telecommunication", "San Francisco", "2500"
Create a schema for the target NoSQL table where the table definition must match the CSV data columns and their types. Here's an example called democsv_schema.ddl.
create table newcourses (id INTEGER, name STRING, location STRING, fees INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id));
Launch the database migrator at the command prompt. If the utility is not yet installed, visit here.
The migrator is a wizard based utility. It will prompt for your input. You should see the following prompts, choose "file", "csv" to import the data. That simple.
Select the source:
1) nosqldb
2) nosqldb_cloud
3) file
4) object_storage_oci
5) aws_s3
#? 3
Configuration for
source type=file
Select the source file format:
1) json
2) mongodb_json
3) dynamodb_json
4) csv
#? 4
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4. Smart Data Erasure
Data that is obsolete from the database perspective will be automatically erased by default. This is useful in cases where there is sensitive data and there is the desire to have no traces of it once it has been deleted. Obsolete data are deleted records, older versions of updated records, and expired records. This process also erases corresponding obsolete index records. Obsolete data is never returned in queries or scans. This functionality can be turned off by setting the Replication Node parameter 'enableErasure' to false.
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Oracle NoSQL Database in a Nutshell
It is a flexible, multi-model, multi-region, hybrid-cloud, active-active database designed to provide a highly available, scalable, performant, and reliable data management solution to meet today's most demanding workloads. Focusing on simplicity and developer productivity, deploying in hybrid-cloud or on-premise environments is automated and completed with just a few clicks. In addition, NoSQL's built-in cross-region replication can be enabled in minutes to deploy a fully active-active system.
Oracle NoSQL Database is well-suited for high volume and velocity workloads, like Internet of Things, customer 360, online advertising, fraud detection, consumer scale persistent session management, user personalization, and online gaming. In addition, developers can use a single application interface to build applications quickly that run anywhere.
Learn more about Oracle NoSQL Database and Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service.