One of the ODI Mappings having Union Clause in the Source inline Select seems to load much less records in the Target (ADW). While the same Insert-Select is loading more rows in the ADW Target table, when the query is triggered directly from the database. In Dev, the ADW Wallet is pointed to Medium and also the ODI topology pointed to Medium
Oracle Data Integrator Studio 12c 12.2.1
Data Integrator Version 12.2.1
Build ODI_12.
Results of the Query Execution:
-- From ADW SQL Developer (Medium) : Union ALL: 2,503,275
-- From ADW SQL Developer (Medium) : Union : 2,503,248
-- From ODI using UNION ALL : 2,327,939
-- From ODI Using UNION : 2,327,919
If any of you have faced this issue, appreciate if you respond in this post with your thoughts.
Thanks in advance!