I am faced with a situation that is not closed invalid connections in DB connection pool using tomcat DBCP with JDBC.
Our system has dbcp related settings like below with context.xml at the tomcat.
<Resource name="jdbc/…JNDI" …type="javax.sql.DataSource"…validationQuery="SELECT 1 from dual" maxWaitMillis="10000" maxTotal="30 initialSize="30" minIdle="30" testOnBorrow="true" />
Now there are over 200 connections. We checked with the "$ netstat -p | grep {PID of the PORT}" command.
After restarting tomcat, the number of connections is 30.
However, there is something special.
Although we have set up dbcp, our system does not connect to the db at all.
I am wondering if the situation above might be a bug.
The problem can be easily solved by deleting the dbcp setting, but before proceeding, I have a need to check whether this phenomenon is a bug or not.
I would be really happy if you could give me an answer. Thank you.