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No subscriber create in RIB oracle queue from OSB proxy service (weblogic to oracle database 19c

The company contracted OCI and installed SOA Suit 12c (weblogic) and Oracle DataBase 12c and we use an OSB proxy service to subscribe to a RIB QUEUE of Oracle Advanced QUEUE, we assign a client ID "ID_INVENTORY_ORDER_", the configuration is durable subscription and the Topic Message Distribution in compatibility; but the error is generated: <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Driven EJB RequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32bX13X191e2f6b8cbXN7fe3 is unable to connect to the JMS destination jms.ETINVEDOQUEUE. The Error was: oracle.jms.AQjmsException: ORA-24047: invalid agent name ID_INVENTORY_ORDER__SUB_OSB_osb_server1_SB_JMS_Proxy_aa3f40e.N2f08e32b.13.191e2f6b8cb.N7fe4ejb.jarRequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32b 13 "_SUB_OSB_osb_server1_SB_JMS_Proxy_aa3f40e.N2f08e32b.13.191e2f6b8cb.N7fe4ejb.jarRequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32bX13" to the client ID we assigned.

We have searched in Oracle support and the Oracle community, as well as the documentation the Oracle and we have not found that when the subscriber is created, itself keeps the value client id name we assigned without complementing it with the aforementioned string.
We currently have SOA Suit 12c version (weblogic) and Oracle DataBase 12c and we do not have this error.
with WLS with OSB can create subscriber in oracle data base 12c and oracle data base 19c
But with WLS with OSB you can not create subscriber in oracle data base 12c and oracle data base 19c becosue generate the last error tell them.

this is the log error:

<Sep 25, 2024 11:50:39,756 AM CST> <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Driven EJB RequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32bX13X191e2f6b8cbXN7fe3 is unable to connect to the JMS destination jms.ETINVEDOQUEUE. The Error was:
oracle.jms.AQjmsException: ORA-24047: invalid agent name ID_INVENTORY_ORDER__SUB_OSB_osb_server1_SB_JMS_Proxy_aa3f40e.N2f08e32b.13.191e2f6b8cb.N7fe4ejb.jarRequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32bX13, agent name should be of the form NAME
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 134
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 186
ORA-06512: at line 1

Nested exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24047: invalid agent name ID_INVENTORY_ORDER__SUB_OSB_osb_server1_SB_JMS_Proxy_aa3f40e.N2f08e32b.13.191e2f6b8cb.N7fe4ejb.jarRequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32bX13, agent name should be of the form NAME
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 134
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 186
ORA-06512: at line 1

Nested exception: Error : 24047, Position : 0, Sql = begin$_add_subscriber(queue => :1 , subscriber =>:2 , rule => :3 , transformation => :4 , secure_q => :5 , queue_to_queue => false); end;, OriginalSql = begin$_add_subscriber(queue => ?, subscriber =>?, rule => ?, transformation => ?, secure_q => ?, queue_to_queue => false); end;, Error Msg = ORA-24047: invalid agent name ID_INVENTORY_ORDER__SUB_OSB_osb_server1_SB_JMS_Proxy_aa3f40e.N2f08e32b.13.191e2f6b8cb.N7fe4ejb.jarRequestEJBaa3f40eXN2f08e32bX13, agent name should be of the form NAME
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 134
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 186
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Added on Sep 25 2024
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