I'm using liquibase to versioning my code. After upgrading to SQLcl 24.1 it seems i cannot get any catalog for grants.
Using the following syntax in SQlcl 24.1
(base) uhellstr@AP3uxicUHTfqtys ~/orascript/f1lb/F1_STAGING sql
SQLcl: Release 24.1 Production on Thu May 23 12:45:31 2024
Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Formatter rules loaded
@ >conn F1_STAGING@//localhost:1521/freepdb2
Password? (**********?) ******
Formatter rules loaded
F1_STAGING @ //localhost:1521/freepdb2 >cd ~/orascript/f1lb/F1_STAGING
F1_STAGING @ //localhost:1521/freepdb2 >pwd
F1_STAGING @ //localhost:1521/freepdb2 >lb generate-schema -split -grants -synonyms -labels Baseline -sql -overwrite-files
--Starting Liquibase at 2024-05-23T12:48:15.477283 (version 4.25.0 #3966 built at 2023-11-10 23:07:29 UTC)
Export Flags Used:
Export Grants true
Export Synonyms true
[Method loadCaptureTable]:
[Type - TYPE_SPEC]: 437 ms
[Type - TYPE_BODY]: 150 ms
[Type - SEQUENCE]: 268 ms
[Type - DIRECTORY]: 54 ms
[Type - CLUSTER]: 3435 ms
[Type - TABLE]: 21962 ms
[Type - VIEW]: 2225 ms
[Type - REF_CONSTRAINT]: 524 ms
[Type - DIMENSION]: 59 ms
[Type - PACKAGE_SPEC]: 121 ms
[Type - FUNCTION]: 120 ms
[Type - PROCEDURE]: 122 ms
[Type - DB_LINK]: 281 ms
[Type - SYNONYM]: 65 ms
[Type - INDEX]: 1697 ms
[Type - TRIGGER]: 373 ms
[Type - PACKAGE_BODY]: 122 ms
[Type - JOB]: 60 ms
[Type - PUBLIC_SYNONYM]: 756 ms
[Type - OBJECT_GRANT]: 132 ms
[Method loadCaptureTable]: 33076 ms
[Method sortCaptureTable]: 83 ms
[Method writeChangeLogs]: 849 ms
Changelog created and written out to file controller.xml
Operation completed successfully.
F1_STAGING @ //localhost:1521/freepdb2 >!ls -ltrh
total 28K
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 23 12:48 sequence
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 23 12:48 table
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 23 12:48 view
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 23 12:48 ref_constraint
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 23 12:48 index
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 23 12:48 comment
-rw-r--r-- 1 uhellstr uhellstr 959 May 23 12:48 controller.xml
F1_STAGING @ //localhost:1521/freepdb2
Note: Liqubase says grants true but when checking after the run there is no catalog for grants ? e.g i miss the catalog “object_grant”
If I use SQLcl 23.3 and check the output after running
lb generate-schema --split --grants --synonyms -labels Baseline --sql
I have the following catalogs generated:
total 28K
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 20 15:25 index
-rw-r--r-- 1 uhellstr uhellstr 3.0K May 20 15:25 controller.xml
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 20 15:25 comment
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 20 15:25 view
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 20 15:25 table
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 20 15:25 sequence
drwxr-xr-x 2 uhellstr uhellstr 4.0K May 20 15:25 object_grant
Is this a known issue ? To me it looks like a bug , but maybe i'm missing something with the syntax even though the output in 24.1 clearly states I have included grants. Right now I cannot use liquiase with SQLcl 24.1 'Im missing for this schema about 17 grants.