Over years was using AnyChart with flash, it was simply customisable with xml inclusion. Now, since it is deprecated and no longer used inside apex - want to switch to oracle JET keeping my charts as close as possible to original. So this is my AnyChart that I want to rework with JET

Can you give me some advice how to present series or gropus as concentric donuts like above ?
Because there is no such thing as 'Include own source data' in apex 19.1+ as was in apex 5.1 tried to use built in charts first but found difficult to cooperate with donut type chart since it has no respect to series as AnyChart or it is to dificult to me to manage out.
Already found https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jetCookbook.html?component=pieChart&demo=donut, i can manipulate data and shape but having playground without examples is not really helpfull, beside there is no direct connection from cookbook to custom apex jet chart.
Digging on this complicated community structure forum, found this topic: https://community.oracle.com/tech/developers/discussion/4323950/apex-19-2-oj-gantt-composite-table that helped me to put custom jet on apex page. But still has no idea how to create multi-donuts structure like above.