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Machine got terminated without reason

User_MGK1WSep 15 2022

I'd like to say that I'm incredibly and negatively surprised by the support and lack of transparency in such a big company as Oracle.
A few months ago I started testing an always free machine which one week after I started it was completely hacked (root private key leaked somehow). I'm in the cloud industry for several years and this has never occured with me running similar machines in several different companies (aws, ovh, contabo, digital ocean, gcloud, azure...)
I've tried contacting support which answered me they wouldn't be able to do anything. And this was how I lost my always free machine without the possibility to find another one.
One month later I managed to get a new always free resource, I worked for weeks performing all checks and security measures to ensure even if Oracle leaked my private key (like I believe they did the first time) the attacker wouldn't be able to take it over. This machine lasted for 2 weeks and now suddenly I found myself in a new drama: my tenancy was completely inactivated.

I had a small size application running, I lost all my updates (last git merge was a few days ago) and lost completely all data stored in the database (2 weeks progress). The fact that I was randomly selected and there's several similar topics here at forum and in the internet.

This is the error I'm getting, even with root tenancy it says I don't have access:
image.pngFor my surprise it says my tenancy is inactive:
ID: ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaagd2uxpkm2jmpfwirx7qgwxktlm22vpplws4wqhsmwannriuctsa
I went back into terms of services of Always free Resources to read it carefully, which they say it's supposedly always free, but not really. 'We will provide you with advance notice of any such suspension.', there was no warning of any kind, it was just a shutdown and lost of your resources and data.
I literally did nothing wrong, I was running a small game and have not even finished my trial days or came even close of the usage limits.
Seriously, I received an email TODAY saying my trial would last until 21th September and they deactivated my account without any kind of warning

I do not recommend Oracle to anyone, and I'll influence the company I work to move away from Oracle in any current or future contract. If I don't get any clarity on why my machine was terminated and how I can at least retrieve my data from their servers I'll sue the company for false advertising.



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Added on Sep 15 2022