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Oracle Developer Tools for VS Code


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Long/Complex queries cause havoc

Kevin WhiteOct 8 2024

I have a long, 1400 lines, complex, 16 chained CTEs, that is creating havoc with the VS Code extension.

Before anyone asks…no, I didn't write it…no, I cannot break it up or simplify it. It actually used to be double the length and complexity.

I would normally chock this up to garbage code but the offending query executes successfully in the following alternative tools in mere minutes.

  • Oracle SQL Developer
  • All Around Automation PL/SQL Developer
  • Jetbrains Data Grip

The query never completes in VS Code but how it fails depends on how the query file is loaded. If the file is loaded before the Oracle extension starts and a connection to the database is initiated the connection to the db never gets established. The extension is stuck in an endless “Connecting….” loop. When I say endless, I mean I have left it running for 36 hours without any evidence on the server that a connection was ever attempted.

The second method, load the query after the extension starts and a connection made, still fails but differently. In this case the query seems to execute, an empty results pane opens and a color bar begins to cycle left to right, but the query is never transmitted to the server. I know this because the query never appears in the real time monitor or the query/execution plan views. After roughly 10 minutes it seems like the extension just gives up without ever generating an error.


Arnoschots-Oracle Apr 22 2020 — edited on Apr 22 2020


The "sudo al-config -s" doesn't work on my Autonomous Linux instance.

Command output:

[opc@opsserver ~]$ sudo al-config -s

/sbin/al-config: illegal option -- s

Configure OCI notification service topic OCID:


    al-config -T [topic OCID]


    -T [topic OCID] OCI notification service topic OCID

Configure OCI CLI profile:


    al-config -u [user OCID] -t [tenancy OCID] -k [key file]


    -u [user OCID] OCI User OCID

    -t [tenancy OCID] OCI Tenancy OCID

    -k [key file] from which we obtaion the API private key

    -p [key passphrase file] from which we obtain API key passphrase. Provide

       this if API private key is encrypted. If not provided, user will be

       prompted to enter passphrase.

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Added on Oct 8 2024