Hi all.
For a long time now I have been trying to configure weblogic 14+oracle forms&reports under windows server 2019 x64
Today the reports work, but if they are not very large. Up to 20,000 records approximately.
Reports above this generate error REP-51026: No output is generated for job or REP-56048 : Engine rwEng-0 crashed., job Id
Today I did an experiment. On the virtual server where weblogic 14 + oracle forms&reports+java sdk 21.0.4 is installed, java 1.8.441 was also installed. I launched the project directly on the server and ran a large report for execution. Everything works on the server. On my Windows 11 physical computer, large reports do not work.
Why might this be?
If everything worked on the server...it turns out that weblogic itself can do this work. Why can’t anyone who connects to it get a large report, but only those that are not very large?
I also tried to disable the firewall on Windows server 2019. However, for me connecting from a physical Windows 11 x64 computer, this also did not help.