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Java Development Tools


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keystrokes and Ojvm

38150Jun 10 2002
I recently downloaded to work with JDeveloper on w2k.

I extracted the zip to C:\jdev9i\.

Before starting the jdevw.exe, i set the following in jdev.conf in bin location.
SetJavaHome C:\jdk1.3.1 (my jdk home)
SetJavaVM ojvm

I then directly double clicked InstallOjvm.bat to install the Ojvm.

i use java -version in the cmd prompt, i am able to see the Ojvm installed.

I start the jdevw.exe now. I am able to work with everything except that
my keystrokes(left arrow, backspaces,delete) does not work. i have to use my mouse, block my chars, press spacebar to delete the char.

Am i doing something wrong here.

Also let me know how to unplug / uninstall the OJVM that i have installed.



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Locked on Jul 9 2002
Added on Jun 10 2002
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